Mission Trip Participant

Diana Kenes’ Trip

May 12, 2024 to May 31, 2024

Diana Kenes is a junior at the College of Charleston studying psychology, Spanish, and linguistics. She began walking with the Lord towards the end of her freshman year and has been learning more of God’s character and His plan for her life. Diana is currently studying abroad in Granada, Spain for the spring semester; growing in her love for Jesus, her new city, and the new people she’s meeting daily. Directly after her study abroad in Spain,Diana plans to attend Campus Outreach’s Alpha+ project in Ghana. Alpha+ is Diana’s opportunity to continue learning and loving others while living overseas. The US, Spain, and Ghana all practice Christianity differently, and Diana is invested in hands on learning about these cultures. She will be working with a local church, serving a college campus, and developing her leadership skills through training and studying the Bible. By building relationships in the community, Diana will also experience the beauty of God’s work in another culture, along with growing her global perspective.

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