Annual Review

Letter from Buster

Dear Church Family,

This annual review celebrates the goodness of the Lord in building his universal Church through his local church, East Cooper Baptist Church. Part of the review highlights the faithful living of three individuals who have served in the Kingdom with diligence. Thank you Carl Schooling, Sharon Basha, and Craig Harris. These people have loyally cared for others with Christ-like resolve and compassion, in a grace-filled and self-effacing fashion.

As you read this review, breathe a prayer of thanksgiving for the many who serve as we seek to “help broken people treasure Jesus.” I am reminded of a hymn by Charles Wesley published in 1762 entitled “A Charge to Keep I Have.” One stanza reads as following:

O serve the present age,

my calling to fulfill,

O may it all my pow’rs engage

to do my Master’s will!

Therefore, we are called to serve the present age. By zealously serving in the present we build upon the foundation of Christ (1 Corinthians 3) that will strengthen and instruct the coming generations. Secondly, all Christians are gifted by the Holy Spirit (1 Peter 4:10-11) and part of our calling is to live as stewards of the resources and time the Father has graciously given to us. Thirdly, we are to live as called, gifted, and responsible stewards.

I often think about the seventy resolutions of Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758). Resolution number six, “Resolved, to live with all my might, while I do live.” Resolution number twenty-two, “Resolved, to endeavor to obtain for myself as much happiness in the other world as I possibly can, with all the power, might, vigor, and vehemence, yea violence, I am capable of, or can bring myself to exert, in any way that can be thought of.” Those resolutions underscore what Wesley was saying regarding “all may it all my powers engage to do my Master’s will.”

I am thankful to be in a church where so many serve with grace and dignity as they seek to honor Christ.




This past January, we held a class that dove into the topic of Spending Your Life Well. Read how it impacted both the church body and staff.

Became Members this past year: 108

Total in Membership: 1283


At East Cooper, we practice believer’s baptism, which means we only baptize those who believe and confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. We immerse because we believe that baptism by immersion underscores and clearly represents the meaning of baptism. It is our desire that we exercise this beautiful ordinance in a way that everyone who is watching would “see the picture” of the Gospel of grace.

Total baptized this year: 35

Total kids baptized this year: 13

New Staff

Read Bio
Abigail Huneycutt
Administrative Assistant
Read Bio
Antoinette Kempinger
Administrative Assistant

PCA's 30th Anniversary

Palmetto Christian Academy, a ministry of our church, celebrated 30 years of Christian education this year! Read about how they celebrated and how they are making disciples to be exported out into the world. 

Total number of students enrolled this past year: 735

2023 graduating class: 28

India Mission Trip

One of East Cooper's goals is to send out 500 members on short term mission trips. Find out how Garrett Bailey participated in this goal and what the Lord taught him through a trip to India.

Total sent on a short-term trips this year: 84

Total sent on long-term trips this year: 2

Why I Serve

We have been both secured by Jesus' service to us and equipped with spiritual gifts, that we might freely serve both the church and the world. Our members are called to pour themselves out in a variety of ways, as well as to consider their entire lives to be spiritual acts of service. See how two volunteers at East Cooper are serving the local church and how the Lord is blessing them in the midst of serving.

Dan serves on the Production Team. Read this article to find out how and why he serves the local church in this way.

Blair serves with the Meal Ministry. Find out what led her to serve in this area and what the Lord is teaching her through serving others in the body.

Campus Outreach

In the Campus Outreach (CO) ministry, a laborer is defined as a person mobilized through the church to live out a Christ-centered identity with Spirit-filled character. Read more about what laboring on the campus at The Citadel looks like and how one student seeking to glorify God is his new career in the military.

Students that came to faith this year: 8

Students being discipled: 58

Students the gospel was shared with: 234

The Institute

The Institute, a year long intensive discipleship class, was recently launched as an avenue for making disciples here at East Cooper. Find out how Rachel Aarons got involved in this class and her perspective on why leaning in and learning more about God's Word is worth it.

Total who participated in The Institute: 30

Members who participated in Sunday morning classes: 171

Making Disciples

Throughout the last few years, PCA coach, Matt Manning, has found joy in watching one of his student's lives transform as he seeks to follow Jesus obediently from high school to college to campuses in Peru. Read more about Matthew Bartlett's story of being discipled through the local church and now making disciples as a CO staff member.

Serving Others in Foster and Adoption

Community Group leaders, Corey and Emily Gill, became burdened to help with East Cooper's foster and adoption goal. Along with their group members, they decided to provide wrap around care for a foster family in the church. Read about how they were impacted by this day of serving.

Leaving a Legacy

This year, three people on the East Cooper staff retired after many years of serving the church. Although they continue to pour out their lives in different ways, we want to celebrate the legacy they created through decades-long service to the local church. Read about how they have served and continue to be the hands and feet of Jesus in retirement.